Windows + Web Application
Course Highlights
- Introduction to Programming
- List and collection
- Data structure and algorithm
- Conditions and loop
- Object oriented programming
- Introduction to MS visual studio
- Introduction to windows application
- Introduction to MS SQL
- Advance SQL Programming
- A simple windows application
- SQL DB backup SQl DB restore
- Advance windows Application
- Introduction to
- Introduction to html
- Introduction to css
- Introduction java script and J-Query
- Introduction to MVC
- More about MVC
- Project with and MVC
- Advance level web application
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Topics |
| Topics |
Introduction to Programming
- data type
- variable
- method
- Method overloading
List and collection
- array
- array list
- Stack
- Queue
Data structure and algorithm
- Sorting
- Searching
- Flow chart
- pseudo code
Conditions and loop
- conditional logic
- for loop
- while loop
- do while loop
- For each loop
Object oriented programming
- Class
- Interface
- Abstract class
- Sealed class
- Instance creating
- Object
- Object List
- Object properties
- Object method
Introduction to MS visual studio
- Understanding .NET
- Software architecture
- Method overriding
Introduction to windows application
- Multi layer Application concept
- Work with pure .NET
- Difference between .NET and ADO.NET
Introduction to MS SQL
- What is SQL
- Variable in SQL
- Data type in SQL
- SQL Installation
Advance SQL Programming
- Function IN SQL
- Trigger
- Store Procedure
- SQL joining
Review previews classes
A simple windows application
SQL DB backup SQl DB restore
Advance windows Application
Creating different windows form Connection with data base
Insert, update, delete with windows application Software analysis and design Work with a complete windows project
Introduction to life cycle Understanding
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Introduction to html
- HTML Coding with HTML 4.01, HTML 5
Introduction to css
- CSS2 & CSS3(Advanced Level)
Introduction java script and J-Query
- A scripting language is a lightweight programming language.
- JavaScript is programming code that can be inserted into HTML pages.
- JavaScript inserted into HTML pages, can be executed by all modern web browsers.
- JavaScript is easy to learn.
- Jason understanding
- Object with Jason
Introduction to MVC
- What is MVC
- Understanding Model
- Understanding View
- Understanding controller
More about MVC
Different return type Understanding http-post Understanding http-getUnderstanding action
Project with and MVC
Advance level web application
- Creating different web form
- Connection with data base
- Insert ,update, delete with web application
- Software analysis and design
- Work with a complete web project
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